This year Carers Week is from 18th - 24th June, and there's no better time now than to raise awareness and show support very much deserved by carers.
Carers are those that provide unpaid care by looking after family members that are either ill, frail or disabled. There are points in our lives where it is going to be very likely that every one of us will be involved in this too. It is estimated that 10% of population (or nearly 6,000,000 people) are carers [1], myself included.
Although caring is a part of life, without the right support the well-being of carers can be heavily at risk. Caring can take effect on your finances, health, career, your family and social life. Carers can fall out of paid work and many rely on low-level benefits, forcing them into poverty [2]. With is in mind, it is important to consider how much carers contribute to their communities; (for one thing) it has been calculated that carers save the economy £119 billion each year, however, in return carers experience isolation, ignorance and little/no support. It has been reported that 625,000 people suffer physical and mental ill health due to the stress and demands of caring [3]. That is not to say that there is not any help available, but it can be difficult to look for if resources are restricted or unavailable.
If you, or someone you know, is a carer there are many resources available that can advise and assist you; whether it'd be for financial, career, or health advice. Such organisations and charities (to name a few) like Connexions, Carers UK, Mind can offer valuable advice, information and support for when you really need it.
Now remember, as this week is carers week set aside time to think about carers and what they do, raise awareness, donate, or do all of the above. What will you do?
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